ASEAN Heads of Diplomatic Missions under the ACB’s Churrasco Lunch with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Foreign Minister Carlos Albert Franca, State Ministers, Foreign Ministry officials, APEX Brasil and ABIEC officials
BRASILIA, BRAZIL, 14 September 2021 - The Philippine Embassy in Brasilia Charge d’ affaires, ad interim Ms. Leilani S. Feliciano joined all the ASEAN Heads of Diplomatic Missions in Brasilia under the ASEAN Committee in Brasilia (ACB) for a Churrasco Lunch upon the invitation of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Foreign Minister Carlos Albert Franca. Brazilian State Ministers, Foreign Ministry officials led by Secretary/Ambassador Marcia Donner Abreu, Secretariat for Bilateral Negotiations in Asia, the Pacific and Russia, APEX Brasil and ABIEC high-ranking officials and Brazilian beef exporters also attended the churrasco lunch held on 14 September 2021 at the Army Cub in Brasilia.
The Brazilian Ministry of External Relations informed ACB Chairperson Indonesian Ambassador Edi Yusup that the lunch was held in honor of the ASEAN Ambassadors and to introduce them to President Bolsonaro, few State Ministers led by Defense Minister Walter Souza Braga Netto, Brazilian military generals and APEX Brasil and ABIEC high-ranking officials and Brazilian beef exporters. The guests enjoyed churrasco lunch featuring the famous Brazilian beef and other Brazilian cuisine in a cordial atmosphere.
The following ASEAN Ambassadors and Charge d´ affaires of the ASEAN Committee in Brasilia (ACB) who participated in said lunch were H.E. MRS. PHAM THI KIM HOA- Ambassador of Viet Nam; 2) H.E. MR. EDI YUSUP- (Chairperson, ASEAN Committee in Brasilia), Ambassador of Indonesia; 3) H.E. MR. LIM JUAY JIN, Ambassador of Malaysia; 4) H.E. MR. MYO TIN, Ambassador of Myanmar; 5) Hon. MS. LEILANI S. FELICIANO, Charge d’affaires, a.i. of the Philippines; 6) H.E. MR. DESMOND NG, Ambassador of Singapore; and 7) H.E. MS. NITIVADEE MANITKUL, Ambassador of Thailand.
Apex Brasil CEO Augusto Pestana, who is also a seasoned Brazilian diplomat, and Brazilian Beef Exporters Association or Associação Brasileira das Indústrias Exportadoras de Carnes (ABIEC) President Antonio Jorge Camardelli also attended the event with ABIEC providing the food. Apex Brasil or the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) promote Brazilian products and services abroad, and to attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The luncheon event was also held to promote beef exports to ASEAN countries. The Philippines is the largest ASEAN beef importer from Brazil. END